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Long Distance Travel with a Baby: a Mum’s Survival Guide

Are you planning to travel with a baby? We believe that though challenging, overseas travel is possible with a baby and today we’re sharing out top tips to help make your trip as smooth as possible.

Is international travel with a baby possible? We believe so, even though it’s not easy! Whether you’re heading overseas for work, a family event of a holiday, long distance travel is hard on everyone.

Add a baby to the equation and you’ve made things even more complex. It’s completely doable though, and today we’re sharing our best survival and planning tips with you.


While the days of booking a trip one day and leaving the next are gone, you can still experience the magic of long distance travel with a baby. All that is required is some additional planning and extra items to pack, topped off with a big helping of stress.

Now, doesn’t that sound fun? Okay, so it won’t be as easy as it was in the past, but it is still totally doable. Here are our top tips on how to make your journey as enjoyable as it can be for everyone:

  • Make a list of hand luggage items – what things will you need to have with you during the flight. Nappies are a must, along with paracetamol, a Sleepytot and pacifier, changes of clothes for you and the baby, a light-weight wrap, baby bottles and food, fly legs up (as pictured above), portable white noise machine or baby shusher. Make sure to check with your airline as to the amount of luggage you and your baby can bring on board.
  • Book a bassinet – holding a baby on your knee for 12 hours may not be your cup of tea. If your baby is small, consider booking a bassinet for them to rest in.
  • Stay hydrated – flying can dehydrate you very quickly, and even more so for a baby. Offer more fluid via bottle or breast than you usually would during the flight.
  • Feed during take-off and landing – the sudden pressure change can play havoc with little ears and swallowing during feeding is the best remedy for it.
  • Book and hire large items – if you can, hire a stroller, cot and hair chair at your destination rather than bringing your own.
  • Visit your GP first – before heading overseas, make an appointment with your GP. Not only can they check your baby is in good health, but they can also recommend what immunisations are recommended too.
  • Get a passport – no matter how young, your baby needs their very own passport. Usually this can take around two weeks from the time you apply to it’s arrival at your home, so factor this into your plan.
  • Stick with routines – if you can, keep as close to your baby’s nap and feeding times as normal. Tough with jet lag and time zone changes though.
The travel section of our baby store has some amazing travel products worth checking out. From the white noise machines through to the handy baby feeding products and sunshades, these products are true sanity savers!

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