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Drink Bottles + Baby Bottles/Cups

Looking for great brands for drink bottle/cups for your wee-one? We have the collection for you.

Looking for great brands for your baby drinking bottles and sippy cups? At Sleepytot, we sell some of the best baby drinking bottles and cups available in NZ.

View the selection below to see what’s on offer and refer to our FAQ further down the page for answers to our most common questions.


Making the transition from a baby drinking bottle to a drinking cup (such as a sippy cup) will always be somewhat dependent on your baby’s individual development. Still, a general rule of thumb is to transition at some point between 6 to 12 months of age. Ideally, you’ll want your baby transitioned from bottles to sippy cups by at least 12 to 18 months of age.

Making this transition is important as it can help strengthen oral muscles and, by extension, motor skills; and it also helps reduce the likelihood of dental health issues. Prolonged use of a baby bottle could cause tooth decay or contribute to your baby’s teeth having alignment issues.

You should manage the transition progressively, first introducing a sippy cup at meals. Then, over time, you replace their daytime bottles with sippy cups, as well.

Once your young one has a good handle on sippy cups (usually between 12 and 18 months), you can then slowly transition them to complete open cups. By the time your child is 2 years old, they should typically be capable of drinking from an open cup and no longer need sippy cups.

At Sleepytot, we sell a diverse range of baby drinking bottles, and these include bottles and sippy cups that are BPA-free. To ensure the specific baby drinking bottle, sippy cup, or baby cup you’re considering is absent of BPA and other unwanted chemicals, take time to read through the product description to confirm.

Babies go through a process of transitioning from a baby bottle to a sippy cup, and then a sippy cup to a regular drinking cup. This process allows them to slowly develop and refine their motor skills and strengthen their oral muscles.

Sippy cups bridge the gap between bottle and regular cup usage, and so these cups typically include a straw, a soft spout they can easily secure in their mouth, or a nipple design that mimics the feel of breastfeeding. Whichever design it is, each helps them to transition from a bottle. The design also helps prevent messes that would come during this period of their development when their motor skills and oral muscles aren’t as refined.

A regular baby drinking cup is simply the small version of the types of cups most of us drink from. They’ll be smaller and lightweight so your young one can easily hold and control the cup, but allow them to drink from an open top.

With the range of baby bottles on offer, you’ll have no trouble finding options that can handle hot and cold liquids. Peruse our collection and be sure to read the product descriptions to see if the baby bottle you’re interested in is designed for both hot and cold drinks.

Colic can be an incredibly disruptive condition for both baby and parents. If you’ve ever had a young one who’s had colic in the past, then you no doubt know the key symptom: your baby crying for prolonged stretches of time (often for several hours a day). And it usually happens even when your baby seems otherwise healthy and content.

While the exact cause of colic hasn’t been definitively determined, it’s believed that one likely cause is related to feeding problems - particularly your baby swallowing too much air during feeding.

Certain baby drinking bottles help alleviate this issue through design. This can include ventilation systems that prevent air bubbles from mixing with the milk, nipple/spout designs that help prevent your baby from gulping too much milk at once, and angled designs that can help keep the nipple of the bottle free of unwanted air.

If you want to know which drink bottles and baby cups can help prevent colic in your baby, get in touch.