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Sleep Trainer Clocks

It's why every parent benefits from a kids' alarm clock — or an OK to wake clock.

The best kids' sleep training toddler clocks offer a gently reassuring nightlight that keeps toddlers in bed so they fall asleep faster, and then helps them to stay in bed the next morning until a reasonable hour.

Improve Your Toddler’s Sleep with Sleep Trainer Clocks

Developing a reliable sleep/wake cycle for your young ones can be a time-consuming affair. You want to ensure they’re staying in bed and actively trying to sleep during their designated sleep hours while avoiding them getting up too early or too late.

This is where sleep trainer clocks can be a big help. No matter the option you go with, they all serve a similar purpose of helping toddlers understand when it’s time to sleep and stay in bed and when it’s time to wake up and ready themselves for the day ahead.

They do this by providing guidance that is easy for toddlers to understand, often through the use of specific colours.

With a sleep trainer clock on hand, it will help reduce the need for you to regularly go in and check on your child to ensure they’re staying in bed when needed. It also helps them develop their own awareness of their sleep schedule, when they should be preparing for bed, and when they’re good to get up for the day.

Types of Sleep Trainer Clocks

Many of the sleep clocks we sell here at Sleepytot utilise similar systems to help train your young ones about their sleep schedules. As mentioned, several sleep trainer clocks use colour to symbolise different steps of the sleep process.

The Davy the Dog Sleep Trainer uses red, orange, and green lights to help train young kids. Red signifies that it’s time to go to sleep, the orange light comes on 30 minutes before it’s time to get out of bed, and the green light switches on when it’s time to get up. It also has an adorable dog’s face that closes its eyes during resting hours and opens them when it’s waking hours.

The OOLY doesn’t include opening and closing eyes, but it does utilise a wider array of colour-coded lights to signify different stages of the sleep process. It allows you to fully customise the specific steps and the associated light colour, and the clock itself has no physical buttons so your young ones can’t change any of the settings - you manage it fully through a smartphone app.

Many sleep trainer clocks include night lights and others also feature white noise and other soundscapes that are conducive to a good night’s sleep.

Why Choose Sleepytot for Sleep Trainer Clocks?

We’re driven to help babies, toddlers and families get better sleep by selling fantastic sleep aids for little ones. We know every baby and toddler is different and has unique needs - that’s why we have a wide range of products to choose from.

We pride ourselves on supplying parents with the best products to aid their little ones, whether that’s a sleep trainer clock, white noise machine, swaddles and sleeping bag suits, or a comforting sleep companion.

If you’re a parent in New Zealand and you’re looking for products to help your babies and toddlers, we have the selection you need.

If you have any questions or concerns about our sleep trainer clocks that aren’t covered in the FAQ on this page, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


Developing a toddler’s sleep schedule can be tough, and these challenges can feel even more substantial if you need to manage them all by yourself. 

Whether you’re a couple or a single parent, a constant need to check in on your toddler to make sure they’re staying in bed can be exhausting in and of itself - and that’s to say nothing of getting them to go to bed in the first place.

With sleep trainer clocks, you have something that actively guides your child. They’ll know exactly when bedtime has arrived and can easily refer to the sleep clock as needed to see if it’s time to get up or continue resting.

Thanks to the playful designs of many sleep trainer toddler clocks, including loveable animals such as dogs, owls and sheep, it helps develop a sense of personal connection that further encourages them to follow the clock’s guidance.

Importantly, a good sleep schedule is just as important for toddlers as it is for adults. By using a product that fosters good sleep routines, your young ones will feel more energetic and happier during their waking hours.

The sleep trainer clocks at Sleepytot should be purchased for toddlers. It’s the age at which their cognitive development allows them to better recognise colours and patterns and associate those with certain actions or behaviours. Young babies simply will not benefit from a sleep trainer clock.

Given that certain sleep trainer clocks also include night lights, white noise playback, and alarms, you can hold on to these for young kids. That way, if they still prefer some ambient noise, a light source at night, or just want a simple alarm clock on hand, you already have something they can use for those.