About to begin potty training your toddler?
Best you read through our collection of ten potty training tips to ensure things go as smoothly as possible!
Potty training is never easy. One of the biggest milestones in both you and your toddler’s lives, it can be a highly challenging time for everyone involved.
It’s not impossible, though it may seem so at times, to replace nappies with undies. To help you enter this stage with confidence, we’ve put together a collection of handy potty tips.
It’s no walk in the park, and it’s going to take plenty of patience. Potty training your toddler is achievable; just remember each child is different and they will get there at their own pace. Here are ten tips worth checking out:
1. Watch for the physical signs – these are potty readiness signs such as being able to pull up and down their own undies or watching others on the toilet, as well as being busting!
2. Keep things calm and pressure-free – don’t turn it into a battle, because as we know, the toddler always wins. Barts potty tabs can make for some exciting toilet training interest for children.
3. Switch to pull-ups or training pants – once you’ve made the call to start, get rid of the nappies as these can keep your child feeling dry. You want them to notice when they are wet, so they’ll go to the potty.
4. Consider going bare bum – for the first few days of potty training, you may find it easier to keep your child without pants. This not only reduces the washing pile, but also allows for quick access to the toilet.
5. Keep their fluids up – drinking less won't result in fewer accidents, but a dehydrated child instead.
6. Positive reinforcement – this could be praise, stickers or treats. Whatever motivates your child to want to try their best at something new. You may find a sticker and reward chart works well.
7. Stick to a schedule – initially, this should involve sitting your child on the potty every 30-60 minutes during the day. This can grow to hourly or two hourly as they become more competent.
8. Stock up on supplies – from the potty to training pants, stickers and books, if you are well prepared at the start, things are more likely to go smoothly. WeePals are a great way for getting your wee guy to aim correctly in the toilet!
9. Plan ahead – if you are going out, find out where the toilets are ahead of time. Or take a my carry potty with you, these are saviors for little accidents out and about. Bring lots of clothing changes for accidents.
10. Take a break – sometimes potty training doesn’t work the first time. If you and your child are struggling, take a break and come back to it in a few weeks time. Potty training isn’t an easy time but can be highly rewarding. Be kind on yourself and your child; you are both learning something new and are growing up!
Be sure to ask in our Facebook group for potty training advice from other parents.
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