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How to Decorate Your Childs Bedroom

Is it time to decorate the nursery? We share not only our best tips on decorating your child’s bedroom, but also give you a list of essential items it needs that you may not have though of. We also tell you about the one thing most parents forget to focus on – you’ll be surprised! 

Decorating your child’s bedroom can be a task parents cherish. From choosing the wall colours, the nursery furniture, cot mobiles and floor mats, you have so many decisions to make. But some parents struggle with even the idea of decorating their child’s bedroom.

Where should they start, what kids’ décor does it need? How much should they spend? We’ve found though, that there is one area in which most parents accidentally omit or fail to put enough thought into.

It’s the creation of a sleep promoting environment, which is basically what a bedroom needs to have the most! So, today we’re going to discuss not only the ways in which you can improve the appearance of their room, but also how it functions as a sleeping area.

Zazu Nightlight Bedroom Decor Pictured


Before you jump in and start purchasing toys and furniture for your child’s bedroom, you need to make a list of what’s important for it to contain. We’ve made a simple list to which you can add your ideas to.

As we specialise in providing parents with sleep aides for babies and young children, we admit our list is heavy on the products which promote sleep. But as parents ourselves, we know just how important sleep really is. It’s not just for the child, but also the family too!


Now you’ve got a plan or list of what you’d like their bedroom to contain, it’s time to think about what it will look like. Here are a few questions to get you thinking about that:
  • Does your child show any preference to a particular colour? You may consider including it in the room’s decor and designs.
  • What amount of sunlight does the room get? Will you need to position the cot facing away from the window or will you use blackout blinds?
  • How noisy is the room likely to be? Road noise and household noises can make sleep more difficult. Because of this, where’s the best place to position your battery and plug operated white noise machines?
  • Which walls would be best for displaying photos and pictures?
  • Are there enough plug sockets in the room for both a nightlight and a white noise machine?
  • Wall colours also need to match the rest of your house and in a rental, you may not be able to change them at all. Some wall decals are removable, so they may be an option.
Every child is unique, as is every parent! We’d love for you to share your ideas and tips on how you decorated your children’s bedrooms! Leave us a comment below!

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