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Constructive Eating - Constructive Baby Set

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Color: Yellow

No more plates being knocked onto the floor now that Constructive Baby is here!

The plate sticks to high chairs and most surfaces while baby learns to eat.

The patented ramp is trusted by medical professionals to encourage your little one to reach developmental milestones.

Ideal for Baby led weaning or spoon feeding methods.

Long utensil handles ease the transition from fingers to grown up silverware.

The Constructive Baby plate will work with our existing Construction utensils so kids can transition into our Construction Utensils while using the Constructive Baby Plate.

And then transition again into the Construction Plate when the kids are ready for more independence.


  • All products are Made in the USA!
  • The plate and utensils are both dishwasher and microwave safe
  • No paints are used to colour the product
  • Everything is manufactured using only FDA approved materials
  • We have third party certification that our products contain NO Lead, NO Bisplenol A (BPA), NO PVC, and NO Phthalates
  • All of Constructive Eating’s products are fully compliant with the CPSIA of 2008


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